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Your Startup Assessment Report


Join Canada Canada Commerce Today.

Get a membership to the Startup Portal, and have access to all the business startup tools.

Your CanadaStartups membership allows you to access all the tools and resources in the StartUp Portal, including step-by-step guidance to provide direction for every aspect of starting your business; from coming up with a profitable idea to getting the funding you need to launch, and everything in between. Get my Access Now

Why become a member?

By joining the Startup Portal, you get complete access to the following tools :

900+ Funding Programs

Browse listings for government grants, loans and tax credit programs.

Business Plan Builder Tool

An easy to use, interactive tool with professional results.

Investor Pitch Deck

Use templates & graphics to create your own custom Pitch Deck.

...and much more.

Personal To-Do lists, Whiteboard tool, Business Articles, Funding Recipients, Startup Docs, and more!

Click here for more info on each of these business startup tools.
Learn More

Invest in your yourself by joining the Startup Portal.

Your business' success depends on the type of work you put into it. With the help of the right tools, you can build a prosperous business. The Startup Portal is a one-stop-shop for all your entrepreneurial needs

Whether you need help with developing your idea, registering your business, writing your plan or finding grants; you can do it all from the Startup Portal.

Set yourself up for success, right from the start! Get everything you need to confidently plan, start, fund and launch your business.

FrequentlyAsk Question

To become a registered member of Canada Canada Commerce, simply click the here or on any of the "Get my Access Now" buttons throughout the site. You will be taken to a secure checkout page where you will be prompted to provide your name, billing and credit card or Paypal information. Upon the receipt of your payment, a username and password will be sent to the e-mail address you provided us, within 24 hours (you will usually receive your login details within 3-5 minutes, however please allow up to 24 hours to receive this information in your email).

Once you are a registered member of Canada Canada Commerce you will have access to the Startup Portal. Using your login details, you will be able to:

  • follow the Step by Step Business Startup Guide;
  • use the Interactive Business Plan Builder;
  • begin creating your Investor PitchDeck;
  • access the Funding Database of government and private funding programs;
  • browse, customize and print over 1,500 business documents and templates;
  • use the Whiteboard tool
  • complete your personalized To-Do lists
  • open support tickets for help with the Portal
  • browse small business articles
  • see funding recipients in your area
  • complete the Startup Tasks Timeline
  • request a business plan review service
  • request a personalized funding report
  • request for your funding applications to be reviewed
  • ask our experts any business related question

The membership fee is a one-time fee which covers your access to the Startup Database and administrative fees. There are no additional fees associated with the Startup Portal once you've paid for your membership.

To pay for your membership, click "Get my Access Now" to go to the payment page. You may use a credit card or Paypal to make your payment.

Canada Canada Commerce prides itself on providing a comprehensive product. Our small business tools and guidance are applicable to all business types and industry, it is up to you to customize them to suit your particular product/needs. We provide assistance for the tools and resources within the Startup Portal as well as advice or answers to your questions about how to start your business. We do not provide any assistance with regards to business planning and strategizing; and we do not directly offer any funding. That said, we are happy to help when we can, so please ask. We will gladly answer those questions for which we have answers, or direct you to whomever may be able to help. On top of that we do offer our members what we call the "extra services" where we can help review your business plan, review your funding applications and answer any business related questions.
CAs every small business idea is different and hundreds of factors are at play when it comes to the success of a small business, we are not able to guarantee your success. However, using the tools and resources provided to you will greatly increase your chances of success by ensuring your business completes all the required steps to properly launch.
Within the Startup Portal, you will have access to all of the tools generally needed by small businesses to get started, along with some additional tools that can be helpful to entrepreneurs when launching their business. If your idea is very niche, there may be some specific tools or documents which you may require that are not included in the Portal. If there is a tool you require that you'd like help acquiring, contact us and we'll see if we can point you in the right direction.
Canada Canada Commerce provides you with a step by step guide to starting your own small business, along with all of the above tools which are used to help you plan, start, find funding and get you ready to launch. We provide you with the products and services offered along with your membership, as well as any support/assistance you may require for these tools. We cannot provide you with a business idea; we cannot register your business for you; we cannot start the business for you; we do not provide advice or recommendations; and we do not directly provide any funding.